At its most recent meeting, held on Thursday, 11 December, the State Committee of the Georgia Republican Party approved the convention call for 2009:
• Precinct Mass Meetings (counties of over 80,000 population) are scheduled for Saturday, 07 February.
• Precinct Mass Meetings (counties of 80,000 population and under) and County Conventions are scheduled for Saturday, 14 March.
• District Conventions are scheduled for Saturday, 18 April.
• The State Convention is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, 15-16 May, at the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center.
Population figures are based on the Census of 2000. Clarke County is one twenty-five Georgia counties having a population of more than 80,000 at that time, thus it will hold Precinct Mass Meetings in February.
Based on the 15,333 votes received by the McCain/Palin ticket in Clarke County in the 2008 presidential election, Clarke County will have 15 delegates to the 2009 Georgia Republican Convention. Each county receives one delegate automatically. Thus, Clarke County will have sixteen delegates to the State Convention.
Monday, December 29, 2008
2009 Georgia GOP Convention Call
Posted by
8:48 AM
Friday, December 12, 2008
CCSD Gets A Couple Right
While I am not shy about criticizing the Clarke County School District or the Clarke County Board of Education, neither am I reluctant to praise the folks over on Mitchell Bridge Road when I think that their actions warrant it. Consider theses two instances:
1. The Athens Community Career Academy, a cooperative venture among the CCSD, Athens Technical College and UGA, is finally becoming a reality. The charter school is slated to open in the fall of 2010. Though I still object to the Academy’s existence having been dependent on securing grant money, I think that this is a very good thing.
2. The Board of Education scrapped the “school choice” attendance zones in favor of more traditional “neighborhood school” attendance zones for the county’s elementary schools (for those who do not live in Clarke County and are not familiar with the issue, rest assured that it has a long and tortured history).
While I have sympathy for the arguments of parents whose children will by forced to change schools, the fact remains that the CCSD spends 75% more per pupil than the state average on transportation – and this is the smallest county by area in the state! So, while it will may entail pain for some students and families, I think that revising the transportation plan so as to save millions of dollars – dollars that will be freed up for other, more productive uses mind you – is another very good thing.
And now for the rhetorical (meaning snide) comments:
The Banner-Herald quoted outgoing District 8 board member Sydney Waters as saying:
"Athens has not increased the number of students here in at least 20 years," Waters said. "All the other counties have grown by a significant amount. That's because the people wouldn't move to this school district because they didn't know where their child would go to school.”
With all due respect, this is utter nonsense. Parents have quite reasonably avoided Clarke County’s public schools for years, not because of any kind of “uncertainty,” over attendance zones, but because of the “certainty” of poor discipline and low academic achievement.
Will enthusiasm for the CCSD wane somewhat on the part of parents whose children will no longer be able to attend Barrow Elementary School, the favored school among the liberal elite that has a reputation of being a haven of academic achievement? Now that parents from all over the county cannot enroll their children there, will some of them bail out of the CCSD (with the caveat that they could still attend a specific school if their parents provide transportation)?
Finally, just where were all of these people castigating Vernon Payne on the Banner-Herald’s message board when he won reelection last month? Not that there weren’t plenty of reasons to vote Payne out, but this is not one of them.
Posted by
12:58 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Abolish Local School Districts?
As someone who thinks that the Clarke County School District is a case study in brutally expensive and ineffective school administration, this piece about doing away with local school districts and implementing national standards, penned by the former head of IBM no less, immediately caught my eye.
One the one hand, the small government libertarian/conservative in me recoils at the thought of nationalizing education as, to date, our efforts in that regard have not been successful. The innumerable strings attached to federal education dollars merely means that state and local education officials prostitute themselves to federal mandates so as to keep the money flowing.
On the other hand, though, given the train wreck that is the Clarke County School District, and far too many other districts across the country, perhaps a radical solution such as that proposed by Mr. Gerstner is in order.
I cannot help but think, though, that a more promising solution would be to minimize the federal government’s role in education, not expand it.
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8:48 AM