Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Georgia GOP Announces District Winners

The following is verbatim from yesterday's Georgia Republican Party press release regarding congressional district winners for the state's recent presidential preference primary:

The Georgia Republican Party today announced winners of the February 5th Presidential Preference Primary by Congressional District. The results are below:



1st Congressional District

Senator John McCain

2nd Congressional District

Senator John McCain

3rd Congressional District

Governor Mike Huckabee

4th Congressional District

Governor Mitt Romney

5th Congressional District

Senator John McCain

6th Congressional District

Governor Mitt Romney

7th Congressional District

Governor Mike Huckabee

8th Congressional District

Governor Mike Huckabee

9th Congressional District

Governor Mike Huckabee

10th Congressional District

Governor Mike Huckabee

11th Congressional District

Governor Mike Huckabee

12th Congressional District

Senator John McCain

13th Congressional District

Governor Mike Huckabee

Georgia Republican Party Rules and the Call to Convention allow each Congressional District to elect 3 delegates and 3 alternates to the Republican National Convention at District Conventions on April 19th. Those delegates are bound to the winner of their Congressional District. An additional 30 delegates and 30 alternates are elected at the State Convention on May 16th- 17th in Columbus, Georgia. Statewide delegates are bound to the candidate that received the most votes statewide. In addition to the elected delegates, the State Party Chairman, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman are automatically delegates to the Republican National Convention.

Georgia Code requires that delegates pledge that they will support the candidate they are bound to “until the candidate is either nominated by such convention or receives less than 35 percent of the votes for nomination by such convention during any balloting, or until the candidate releases the delegates from such pledge. No delegate shall be required to vote for such candidate after two convention nominating ballots have been completed.” (21-2-196) “Any delegate to a national convention whose presidential candidate withdraws after being entitled to delegate votes pursuant to this article shall be an unpledged delegate to the national convention.” (21-2-197).

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