Thursday, April 8, 2010

Protesting The Obamacare Student Loan Tax

Obamacare is full of all manner of fiscal chicanery; so, just as were the cases with TARP and the “stimulus,” we will be finding out about the various bad provisions that are hidden in this legislative monstrosity for months to come. With that in mind, read about this upcoming protest, courtesy of the UGA College Republicans:

The University of Georgia College Republicans and the Georgia Association of College Republicans are hosting a Tax Rally to protest the tax that Obama Care will levy against student loans. Not only will students not be able to borrow from private banks anymore, but for every $25,000 that a student borrows he or she will pay around $2000 in taxes. This is inconceivable, but because of the narrow scope of the issue it is up to us as students to fight back.

The event will be held on Wednesday, April 14, at 6:00 p.m. right in front of The Arch on the University of Georgia Campus. We are hoping that the images of students and citizens of Georgia standing in front of the University's symbol of Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation will send a message to our lawmakers. We are tired of taxes and we want to be able to choose from whom we take our student loans.

You do not have to be a student to attend. We are inviting anyone who is unhappy about the amount of taxes that they pay and wants to do something about it.

Get used to it, folks, because a lot more of this kind of stuff is coming – just as it should be.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is funny to protest against the elimination of private student loan programs at UGA...when they only student loan options at UGA have been the public loans.